RSS in, RSS out. Experimenting with WordPress for scholarly publishing

My presentation for the RSP event: Doing it differently. No slides, just a live demo using the outline below.

1. WordPress is an excellent feed generator:

2. It's also an excellent, personal, scholarly CMS

3. If you have an RSS feed, you can create other document types, too

4. We conceived a WordPress site as a document (and a WordPress
Multisite install as a personal/team/dept/institutional multi-document
authoring environment)

5. Here's my MA Dissertation as a WordPress site using

6. WordPress allows you to perform certain actions on feeds, such as
reversing the post/section order

7. EPrints allows you to 'capture' data from a URI

8. Suck it into your feed reader, for storage/reading - it's searchable
there, too.

9. And use another service to create an ebook or PDF version

10. RSS. Loosely joined services:

Author: WordPress -->
                   Preserve: EPrints -->
                                        Read: GReader

11. p.s. How about using EPrints to drive a WordPress site, too? Why extend a perfectly good preservation and storage application to include web 2.0 features, when it can be used to populate a cutting edge CMS with repo data?

7 Replies to “RSS in, RSS out. Experimenting with WordPress for scholarly publishing”

  1. Yes, thanks Chris, I thought so too. I installed it on my Dissertation site when Anthologize was first released but the epub stuff was broken. I haven’t tried the latest version.

  2. I just installed the most recent version on a test blog on my WPMU site and, so far, it has worked without a hitch. Not extensive testing by any means, but possibly a good sign.

  3. Yes, I took your advice and looked at it again today. It produced a pretty good ePub file of my dissertation. Not perfect – there were some character encoding problems, but nothing that can’t be fixed. However, I prefer the version produced by Feedbooks. Perfect in every way and really nice to read on the Kindle.

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