What? Why? How? Get Satisfaction: The Guide

The University of Lincoln has recently signed up to Get Satisfaction, a site where you can ask questions, give praise or have a moan about services provided by the university. It’s a public forum and a bold move by the university to complement existing support services. Notably, it allows members of the university community to help each other by asking questions in public and allowing anyone who can help, to provide an answer. There are over 15 staff currently registered as employees, but anyone, staff and students, can use the site. Nick Jackson, a student who works part-time in ICT, has produced this guide to Get Satisfaction. Note that the university blogs are named as a ‘product’ on Get Satisfaction and there’s now a feedback widget on the main http://dev.lincoln.ac.uk site and on http://help.dev.lincoln.ac.uk

I encourage everyone at the university to use Get Satisfaction to ask a question, raise an issue or heap praise on the blogs 😉

Get Satisfaction: The Guide